
This a place where I can express my thoughts, dreams, and random ideas throughout the day.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Our Blessing

Sorry for the crappy picture. But this is the first furniture purchase Larry and I have made in 5 minutes. We were at Rooms To Go Outlet getting a coffee table with our friends and decided to looks for some end tables and we came across this beauty. Now she's not much from this angle, but believe me, they are beautiful and in great condition. Larry and I saw it, looked at each other, looked at the price and we knew we wanted it. I even bargained with the lady at the store for a lower price. That was it, they were ours! YeAH!! But let me fill you in on how this usually goes. Larry and I decided we need to buy a certain piece of furniture. So, we set up a observation day, where we go to every store that might have what we want looking and recording prices. Now during this time, that usually takes an entire day, there is no thought of even buying. It is purely to decide what we want, which usually takes some arguing, I mean compromising. We are also looking for the best deal, because Larry and I are sticklers with money. Then once we have seen all that we can, we reconvene to discuss what our options are. Basically this takes usually 1 - 2 months, and we did it in 5 minutes. Oh, us newlyweds are growing up so fast.

Until next time.



Finally Fitting in my own shoes

I am really starting to feel like Larry and I are supposed to be in South Carolina. We are finally at peace with being where we are at, which never happens when you have two adventure seekers. We found a new church called New River community church. It was by far the friendliest church I have ever been in. They really made you feel welcomed and they are starting a new series on themselves as a church and what their mission is. The pastor said something on Sunday that really stuck with me. He said, "You do all that you can do, and God will do all that he can do." And I think a lot of times we wait for God to step in and take over, when we should be sprinting and running hard living the life we are supposed to live. Treating others with compassion, love, truth and grace. God will intervene and show up when he needs to. The illustration he gave was about Jesus feeding 5,000 with 2 loaves of bread and 5 fish. God said, "Go and feed the people" and the disciples did, they had enough for everyone. I wish I trusted God when he sends me out with 2 loaves and expects me to feed 5,000. I need to take more risks for God. This is going to be it. Living in South Carolina, being a 4th grade teacher, and joining a small group. I am going to do all that I can do for him, the Creator and beloved of my life.