
This a place where I can express my thoughts, dreams, and random ideas throughout the day.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The lies I am believing...

I am so quick to listen to the voices in my head. The voices that tell me:

*If this is God's plan, how come everything isn't going smoothly
* You are loosing money

*You may never teach again

*This is too hard, you shouldn't do it

*Can you get out of it?

*Why aren't you at peace?

*GOd's will Amanda, are you sure you are in it?

But then there is truth speaking to me, the small voice caled the Holy Spirit, that stirs quietely within me, to let me know.. GOD IS WITH ME

GOd is my comforter, healer, restorer, Prince of Peace, returning to Michigan to follow his purpose.

Our goals and visions for Michigan:

*Starting and Finishing Grad School

*Amanda working

*Starting a Family

*Buying a house

*babysitting my niece Anna and nephews Ian and Aaron

*Spending time with my sister Julie

*Spending time with my other sister Emily

*Spending time with my parents and In-laws

*Visiting Upper Michigan

*Seeing College Friends

*Spending time with Family and Friends (our purpose)

I put my life in God's hands.. I will choose to trust

Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Vision

My prayer is that this picture may be one of many to come. Photography is a passion of mine and I hope to pursue it in the future. I need determination which I sort of have, money which I don't hardly have enough of, and an artful eye which I'm still working on. I am seeking a professional who will take pity on me and teach me their ways.

Faith of a mustard seed

Why is it that I was so confident about my faith in God in good times when I am comfortable. But the minute my job is taken, I start to crumble. My security and hope is in Jesus however I still get caught in the details. My prayer is for strength, faith of a mustard seed and peace within the unknown.

My future is with Him Always