Being in the hospital was surreal. I missed my Noah so much yet I was in pain and trying to recover so I knew that was the place for me. Also I needed to get to know Katie and have time just me and her. After. 4 days in the hospital with just one, coming home to bring everyone together was the best feeling in the world. My life finally felt complete to have both my children and husbAnd together in our home. This quickly turned to chaos as we now have 1:1 kid to parent ratio. I find that all of my time is spent nursing the baby and my husbands is spent entertaining and trying to exhaust my older son so he will take a nap. I know everyone says that your toddler will be more challenging and go through a bit of transition but it has definitely been difficult in the form of trantrums.
Katie's accomplishments the first week: she lost her umbilical cord 10/23, she slept 5 hours straight one night, she didn't sleep at all one night, she latched right after birth, best nurser :), had to poop and nurse first time ever for that.
I struggle with fear of the unknown. In a fee short days my husband who has been my rock, my helper, and pretty much running the house in my dabilitated state, is about to leave and return to work. I fear that it will not be able to do this by myself. I fear how to help my son Noah get dressed and go potty while I am holding Katie. I fear his tantrums and getting him to go up the stairs for a nap, or sit in time out if I can't physically lift him. I fear never showering again as their wake up times varying and not knowing if or when I will have a window to do that. And of course I fear not sleeping as their nap schedules don't coincide and I can't just nap when the bsby sleeps. Not this time around. Although even in the midst of all my fears, I know that their is a Big God who goes before me, who tells me to be strong and courageous for my God is with me. My God tells me he will never leave or forsake me. So I must hold onto these truths in times of trial.
This a place where I can express my thoughts, dreams, and random ideas throughout the day.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Photo Book
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Photo Book
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Monday, April 11, 2011
The Things No Book tells you about being a New Mom
Here is a list of items that no one tells you about being a new mom:
1. Your life is going to be turned upside down in a way you can't comprehend right now
2. The words "I don't know" will come out of your mouth several times a day
3. It takes time to get to know your baby, you won't have it figured out in the first three days
4. It will probably take you a month before you can even think of making a meal
5. When your baby cries, you will start to cry. But only at first before you get strong
6. You are going to be very emotional and you will cry, A LOT!
7. You will not be able to use your mind for anything other than trying to tame this new human being, so write everything down because you won't remember what you said one minute ago.
8. Do NOT even think of making a T0-Do List because it will just depress you that you can't even cross one thing off of it.
9. Start to embrace piles because they will build up all around your house and there will never be time to go through them. Put the pile somewhere in your house where you won't have to look at it for 6 months.
10. Eating is no longer enjoyable, it is only necessary for your survival and you won't be able to do it when you want to.
11. Going to the bathroom can be terrifying because for thirty seconds your eyes are off of the baby that you can't stop looking at in case it stops breathing. I promise you, as I have lived it, He did continue breathing.
12. You thought you would be the cool mom that goes out with your kid to a store and has this nice life, until you hold your child for the first time and all you want to do is keep them from every harmful thing in this world including people breathing, coughing, staring, and crowds.
13. Your child will poop more times a day than you can ever imagine, and no you are not feeding it Indian food. (FRIENDS quote).
14. When and if you fall asleep, your dreams will be filled with hallucinating that you are holding the baby, feeding the baby, and you will actually believe this happened
15. You are going to have to make a million decisions about when and how to raise your baby, so you need to have read up on all of the parenting books before you have the baby. There will be no time once they are here.
16. Babies will cry and fuss, be prepared and hold strong.
17. Granola bars will be your best friend, food on the go.
18. You need to be able to leave the baby, even if for a short amount of time. If you don't, it will get too hard to do so.
19. You will love them to pieces and being a mom is the best and most humbling job there is :)
1. Your life is going to be turned upside down in a way you can't comprehend right now
2. The words "I don't know" will come out of your mouth several times a day
3. It takes time to get to know your baby, you won't have it figured out in the first three days
4. It will probably take you a month before you can even think of making a meal
5. When your baby cries, you will start to cry. But only at first before you get strong
6. You are going to be very emotional and you will cry, A LOT!
7. You will not be able to use your mind for anything other than trying to tame this new human being, so write everything down because you won't remember what you said one minute ago.
8. Do NOT even think of making a T0-Do List because it will just depress you that you can't even cross one thing off of it.
9. Start to embrace piles because they will build up all around your house and there will never be time to go through them. Put the pile somewhere in your house where you won't have to look at it for 6 months.
10. Eating is no longer enjoyable, it is only necessary for your survival and you won't be able to do it when you want to.
11. Going to the bathroom can be terrifying because for thirty seconds your eyes are off of the baby that you can't stop looking at in case it stops breathing. I promise you, as I have lived it, He did continue breathing.
12. You thought you would be the cool mom that goes out with your kid to a store and has this nice life, until you hold your child for the first time and all you want to do is keep them from every harmful thing in this world including people breathing, coughing, staring, and crowds.
13. Your child will poop more times a day than you can ever imagine, and no you are not feeding it Indian food. (FRIENDS quote).
14. When and if you fall asleep, your dreams will be filled with hallucinating that you are holding the baby, feeding the baby, and you will actually believe this happened
15. You are going to have to make a million decisions about when and how to raise your baby, so you need to have read up on all of the parenting books before you have the baby. There will be no time once they are here.
16. Babies will cry and fuss, be prepared and hold strong.
17. Granola bars will be your best friend, food on the go.
18. You need to be able to leave the baby, even if for a short amount of time. If you don't, it will get too hard to do so.
19. You will love them to pieces and being a mom is the best and most humbling job there is :)
Monday, June 7, 2010
A Play Day with the Hamminga Family
I had the privilege of hanging out with my favorite nephews and my beautiful niece for a photo shoot. I was literally learning as I went. The positions and angles were a little rough. We started off with some professional shots and shortly moved out to play on the swing set. I am so grateful to have this family in my life. They create so much joy when I see their smiling faces. Here are a few of my faves:

Monday, April 12, 2010
Easter Celebration
Oh savior has risen, what a glorious day! Larry and I were so happy to be with friends and family to celebrate the Risen King. We started our day with worship at Woodside. Then, loaded up the car for a full day of family celebration. We went to the Moore's to see Julie & Eric and receive Easter Baskets from Mom and Dad. Larry and I were excited to get some candy and Mags. The Moore family soon arrived to eat and chat. Then, we headed to the Nelson's house where we had more food and fun with our niece and nephews. I took a few pics. Enjoy!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Final Day of Sighteeing
This is our last day for posting our European Adventures. Thank you for reading and joining us as we traveled Europe.
Today was a busy day. We were headed to see all outdoor sites and historic monuments in Rome. God gave us our greatest gift this trip sunshine and and a temperature of 57 degrees. It was the first time the jackets came off, so you will see our clothing for the first and only time of the trip and not just our jackets. This was a blessing because every site was outside. We had another full day of walking.
We started at the Colosseum where we quickly discovered they only took cash and we were four Euro short. We had to quickly find an ATM and get back in line. Once we resolved the problem we had missed the guided tour for the hour. We decided to book a later tour and come back at the end of the day. So, we headed onto the Roman Forum. This was the main square for all activity during the Roman empire. Today, very little of it remains but artifacts and rubble. We were able to read some commentary on each site which helped piece together what we were seeing. Then, we hiked up the Palatine Hill which used to be where all the palaces of Neo and Julius Ceasar were placed but were destroyed and remains are all that is left. Todays journey got me very interested in European history. Larry and I hope to rent more movies about Julius Ceaser and watch the Gladiator, where it shows the reconstructed Colosseum.
We had our last savoring taste of italian pizza for lunch. Then, we headed to the Colosseum. We were excited to get a guided tour in English and I was also excited to be around other Americans or at least English speakers. However, this was not the case. Many of the people in our group weren't speaking English or its not their first language. But they can understand it to join a tour. I was very envious of this gift. I wish that I was able to converse in another language.
One observation I have made is that when two people converse and they both speak different languages, they both start to speak in English to converse. I never realized how luckily I am to speak such a universal language. While most people were able to speak English with us, it is very frusterating to not be able to converse with others.
The Colosseum was our favorite event of the day. This larger than life amphitheatre was built for entertainment such as gladiator fighting. The vast size and construction in the shape of an elicpse was amazing. They have even reconstructed a portion to show you what it would have looked like and it would have been even more beautiful than we can imagine. I can't believe we are still constructing stadiums the same way today.
We headed to the Pantheon which has been preserved very well and is now a functioning church, but mass was soon starting and we were kicked out. We continued walking around the various squares enjoying all that Roma had to offer.
Then, we finished up some shoppping and got Larry the shirt he has always needed, an Italia shirt. After all, he is one-fourth italian. We ate our last italian meal along with some italian desserts canoili and tiramsu. We have truly loved Italy. The food is by far the best than in any other country as you can see from my posts and many mentions of all of our meals.
We are very sad this wonderful experience has to end but are so greatful for the quality time, amazing memories, and breathtaking pictures we have. Tomorrow comes the difficult part. We are leaving at 6:40 am to catch a train to the airport. Our flight leaves around 9 and we have a 10 hour flight to Newark, New Jersey. We are praying that we can work out the time difference and are able to sleep on Sunday Night. We arrive in Detroit around 9pm, which makes our travel time 19 hours. Please pray for patience, strength, and our bodies to rest and heal for work on Monday. I can not wait to turn on my phone and say Hello when we get to Newark. We love you all and will be seeing most of you very soon.
Mom and Dad don't forget you are picking us up in Detroit. I will call you in Newark to arrange details.
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