
This a place where I can express my thoughts, dreams, and random ideas throughout the day.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Nothing is Free!

It was missions day at our church, New River Community Church. We had several different outreaches going on throughout the day such as food can drive, car wash, and coke/hot dog giveaways. Larry and I set up shop with a group of people at Bi-Lo. The mission was real simple we were to pass out hot dogs and coke for free, no strings attached. In fact, our church wouldn't even accept donations. We wanted this to be a practical symbol of God's love. The reaction was just eye opening to me. People could not get over the fact that it was free, they would just keep asking "what's the catch?" "Are you trying to promote your church?" "Nothing is free". And it made me stop and think, does our society always undermining people to the point where they can't take a free hot dog and enjoy it? Or people felt so guilty they tried to shove money at us anyway. We would just smile and politely said, "That's O.K. we're good, you can save it for someone else who might need it." I loved passing out food to people. It reminded me of Jesus feeding people fish and bread to the masses. I loved being able to tell people that "we simply wanted to feed them today." "It's free just like God's love".

One of my favorite lines from this day was when I asked a man if he wanted a free coke, he responded, "No Thanks, I work for Pepsi"

Overall, God is good.

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