
This a place where I can express my thoughts, dreams, and random ideas throughout the day.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Life's newest challenge

In the past month, I started a new challenge. I accepted a position with a charter school to teach middle school. However, within the first week of this job it became clear that this job has become unhealthy for me spiritually, emotionally and physically. I soon realized that my beliefs about teaching and the system in which this school is operating were two different things and if I continued to stay I would be fighting this system. In my beliefs, students need to be engaged and learning and respect needs to be present. After many lies and fears of failure and prayers for God to reveal himself and my place in this position, I felt that the best thing for me to do was to resign. Since then, I am continuing to learn from this experience about middle school students and how I can improve as a teacher. I still love students, enough to know that if I continued my position, I may not love what I do any longer. I am currently searching and praying for my place in this world. A place to love others and humbly serve. So many passions come to mind kids, photography, babies, school, and people, but only God knows which direction I will go. I am hoping to trust in the plan's God has for me.

"Thought that I was all alone,

Broken and afraid,

But You were there with me,

Yes, You were there with me.

And I didn't even know,

That I had lost my way,

But You were there with me

Even though the journey's long

And I know the road is hard

Well, the One who's gone before me

He will help me carry on

After all that I've been through

Now I realize the truth

That I must go through the valley To stand upon the mountain of God"

~Third Day

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