
This a place where I can express my thoughts, dreams, and random ideas throughout the day.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Another day and more to see


Today we started off with croissants and nutella (just like a donut) and cereal. I loved the croissants and chocolate so much I had 3, Oh my!! Then, we headed to the train station. We wanted to see the Vatican first and it was an hour walk. We soon discovered that today the Bus, Train, and Airlines decided to strike until 2pm which left the city in chaos. There was a half hour wait for a taxi and no way to get out to the Vatican beside using our feet. I decided to grin and bear it and walk the hour to the Vatican. This was actually the best weather of the day. It was sunny and we even got down to our short sleeve layers, it was so beautiful out. As we were approaching the Vatican, it started to rain. This rain continued on and off throughout the day and even hailed at one point. But, we were prepared with the unbrella. However, this cooled the temperature quite a bit. I guess we have been very lucky to have missed most of the rain. We are beginning to wonder if this isn't a daily occurence. (Larry helped me find the apostraphe button today, yeah!!).

The vatican museum is quite an adventure. It has several artifacts from Mestopantia to Greek and Roman statues, tapesteries, various art pieces and of course the sistine chapel. It was kind of strange to find other deities within the Vatican museum but it also had several painting and tapestries devoted to saints, popes, Jesus and Mary. Our favorite part was entering the Sistine Chapel. This is the Pope's personal chapel and it is also known for Michaelango's famous painting. It took him 4 years to build. The chapel is covered floor to ceiling with this painting. The entire chapel is his canvas if you will. You truly had to sit down and spend time looking at each piece. The main ceiling covers the first seven days including the famous Adam and God touching fingers. We was vast in color and beauty and never been retouched. The original colors still stand.

Then, we headed to St. Peter's Basilica which is the largest church in the world with the largest dome. We used Rick Steve's commentary (a book we took) to tour this church. It is very overwhelming when you first walk in. The walkway to the alter seems to last for days. It even marks how other churches compare in size if they were to fit inside the church. It has several statues, monuments, and prayer rooms. There was also a statue of St. Peter that was said to be kissable. Everyone was going up and touching this foot and kissing it, kind of strange. You could walk up the dome but due to soreness and tiredness from the walk did not go up the dome. However, we did enjoy going to the mecca of christianity and visiting the Vatican, which apparently is its own country. So, technically Larry and I have been in 5 countries in 9 days.

Next, we went to lunch at a pizzeria. Day 2 for pizza and I received the best gift so far on this trip, a glass of coke with ICE :) :) :) I know it is silly but I really miss things cold. In Europe, they do not serve anything cold and I would hate to be the snoody American that demands ice, but this glass just came with it. I really enjoyed it!! I can't wait for more cold drinks coming back to America.

Then, we started some shopping. We have not found anything really great in the other countries to buy. But, God was saving our money for Roma. It is definitely the cheapest country so far and has the best souvenir gifts. Needless to say, most peoples gifts will have originated in Italy. I was able to find some spectactular finds including my most favorite gift of the trip: My very own Louis Vuitton Look alike. It is just wonderful and very similar to the original!! I am in love. We also collected our last magnet of the trip.

We ended the night at an italian restaurant, where we got spaghetti and lasagna. We decided the difference in the pasta and what makes it so wonderful is that the pasta in Roma is more doughy which gives it an amazing filling taste. Of course, no night would be complete without gelato and I was able to sample, mint chocolate, chocolate and strawberry. This is of course anothe business I would like to bring to the states, a gelato store, there is just nothing like it.

There are a few things I do miss about America, including my friends and family and cold drinks, it is American bathrooms. During my European experience I have had to use the same stalls, bathroom sinks and bathroom quarters as males. I have had to see males washing their hands and other things. I know what you are thinking I went into the wrong bathroom and the answer is no. Many of the bathrooms are coed in a sense that its all unisex or open where you can see everything. This has been very disturbing to me because I am not used to seeing that and I never knew how much I enjoyed privacy. I am grateful that I havent had to pay for a restroom yet, but this is crazy. This wouldn't have been so bad until I got to Roma. In all of the public restrooms I have used in the past 2 days, none of them have had toilet seats. The holes are there to have a toilet seat, but none is actually on. So, yes, I am getting excited for American restrooms once again.

We can not believe this journey is coming to a close. Thank you for all of your prayers and being devoted to read our daily adventures. We hope to enjoy one last day visiting the historic monuments of Roma. We hope to see you all soon!

Love you all!

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