We awoke at 6 am this morning to prepare for our departure from France. We took the metro to the bus stop and a nice ride later arrived at the airport. We were off to Italy. I decided to take some dramanine because on the last airplane ride I got a little motion sickness. This was a truly blessing. From the moment I sat down in my seat I was ready to sleep. Larry and I both slept the entire plane ride (2 1-2hrs) there only to awake for a quick glimpse of the Alps. They were breathtaking from the air. Heavens true mountains. But we shortly fell back asleep. We were able to find a train to take us into the city. This was like a real train as if you were going across country, so we were still able to experience the train after all.
We now had to switch modes, from french to italian. I got to tell you, we are better at the french. Dad did tell us a few words to say. We are trying to use them correctly, Thanks Dad. Italy is even more historic than Paris. All of the roads are very narrow, with brick pavers on all streets and they have preserved history and simply built around it.
We arrived at our hotel, which has the smallest elevator I have ever seen. Larry, myself, our luggage and the hotel worker barely all fit and that was with our luggage stacked to the ceiling. The best part of this hotel is that our view overlooks this beautiful church and we can watch the sunset. Don,t worry I took lots of pictures.
We quickly ate lunch at a pizzeria with the largest slices we have ever had. We figured out it was 1 pound of pizza we ate, plus bread. I would like to reiterate, gaining lots of weight, and hopefully walking it all off. Then, we headed to the Church of San Giovanni in Laterano. We didn,t know much about the church other than the holy stairs are there. As we arrived it was a vast, gold plated basilica (church). I quickly found a worker and asked where the stairs were. This was apparently very disturbing to him because they were not here, they were located in the church next store. We quickly asked if I knew what this church was and of course I said no, and he preceded to tell me. It was built in the 4th century and is 1700 years old. WOW!! It was cool but we were ready for the holy stairs.
These stairs are the stairs that Jesus walked on to converse with Pontius Pilate in Egypt. A women had them moved to Rome. You may only climb up the stairs on your knees, all 28 of them. Larry and I wanted to take the journey up and spend that time praying to God. It was very very painful and wonderful.
This was the only day of bad weather we have had on our trip thus far. It did rain for a small portion today, but luckily we were prepared with our umbrella.
Today, I realized that I have been in 4 countries in 8 days and my mind, body and soul reminded me of that. I just frankly ran out of steam. I needed a break. We decided to head back to the hotel where we took a 3 hour nap. It seems so unlike us but I just couldn,t keep up any longer. After the nap, we were refreshed any ready to head to our first italian restaurant. We had a great meal. I had ravioli with swordfish and shrimp. Larry had macroni with sausage. It was the best pasta we have ever had. All handmade pasta. Just wonderful!! Afterwards, we visited the Trevi fountain (Fountain of Love) for some kodak moments. Then, thanks to Jenny and Justin,s suggestion, we had our first of many gelatos. DELICIOUS!! Julie, it tasted like rainbow sherbet from Baskin Robbins.
Today, I realized I havent shared much about my wonderful traveling partner. Larry has been the best husband on this trip. We is always concerned with my needs. We is constantly asking me if I am o.k. If he can take more bags or if I need water. He has truly been so amazing and I really feel like he has shined as a husband this week. I just hope that I was a trooper for him.
My time is almost up on the computer. I apologize about the apostrophes, but on this keyboard I can not find the key. Sorry, English majors, who this is bothering, like myself and my overuse of commas.
Love you all. Can not believe its Thursday! Almost home to see everyone.
Tomorrow: Vatican
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