
This a place where I can express my thoughts, dreams, and random ideas throughout the day.

Monday, April 14, 2008

My First Blog

I have always wanted a place to share my thoughts. In college, I always wrote in a prayer journal but it always bothered me to write with a pencil. I found my mind going a mile a minute while my hand could only go so fast. I thought it would be so much easier just to state my requests to God than to write them all down. It was faster and lets face it, in a world of immediate satisfaction it was just so much easier. But the idea of a blog was put heavy on my heart. I have never been interested in one before. I always thought no one would want to read what I have to say and I really didn't have that much self worth to think that I had anything significant to say. But then I realized how much I think about things on a daily basis and how many random thoughts come into my mind. That's when the blog idea came up. What if I had a place where I could write all my random thoughts down? Only it wouldn't be writing and the more I thought about it, the more I felt like I needed to start my journey written (typed) down for God, myself and the world to see. So, this is only the beginning.

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