
This a place where I can express my thoughts, dreams, and random ideas throughout the day.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Reflection on South Carolina

Such little time and so much to do! I find myself staring at the clock a lot this week. I feel it is because I usually follow it with where did all the time go. But really, time is never going to be on my side, it is what I am doing with that time that is important. God entrusts us with his timing and his purpose.

I have two days until I move to Michigan. It feels like yesterday I just left. I remember how excited I was to move down to South Carolina and fufill my journey. I hope and trust that I have completed what God had in store for me. Looking around at the table last night at all of the people that have influenced my life in the past two years, I was in awe. Larry and I were truly blessed with great friends, mentors, life influencers, good listeners, and supporters.

Favorite Memories in S.C.
*meeting with Becky and Tony for dinner

*Going to Zumba with Jill and Amanda

*Friends quotes and teaching with Stamie

*Seeing the smiling faces of our small group every Thursday night (loved having a house full of people every week)

*My students

*Friendships that I built with girls in my small group

*Meeting Amanda - my sister from another mother

*New River- great place to be filled

*Charlotte Knights Games

* great conversations with Jill

*Becky/Jill- support

*Going to Uptown concert


*Chick-fila/Sonic/Harry and Jeans

*Teaching at Cotton Belt


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