
This a place where I can express my thoughts, dreams, and random ideas throughout the day.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Reflecting on this Thanksgiving there is so many things to be thankful for. Trying to push my mind past the obvious family, friends, shelter, and food. I am trying to think of specific events and experiences that happened this year that I am thankful for. So, here is my list:

1. I am thankful for teaching at Warrendale for two weeks. It taught me a lot of who I am as a teacher.

2. I am thankful for having a job in Michigan. I realize now more than ever that it is truly a privilege I should not take for granted.

3. I am thankful for being a building substitute because it has taught me humbleness I would not have had any other way.

4. I am thankful for my husband because he stretches my mind, heart and soul to be more like Christ. He helps calm my spirit when I stress out over making rolls.

5. I am thankful for living so close to my Mom and Dad who we can love on and have compassion for. We eat dinner, share supplies and stop by often.

6. I am thankful for remaining close with my friends in the Carolinas..I am so blessed to continue to have such encouraging people in my life, especially when I call often and stress out

7. I am thankful for having a church that speaks truth into my life, love having my small group

8. I am thankful for having family to celebrate Thanksgiving with today

9. I am thankful for vacations with friends-Myrtle Beach, Wine Vineyards, trip home to Michigan to see Anna

10. I am thankful for my home that took 2 months to find..I love that I have more space than a 12X12 room and I get to enjoy this home with my husband.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

A hair cut that has gone wrong

So 6 months ago I ventured into unknown territory, I got a perm. I went to a stylist that recently permed my good friends hair and I obsessed over it for months. I gained up enough courage to get one myself. While I squirmed with anxiousness as they coated my hair with the terrible smelling solution, I hoped that my hair would turn out O.K. To my surprise, I loved it. It was loose curls that I have wanted my whole life. I enjoyed this hairdo for 6 months. However, I came to a crossroads where I needed to decide what to do next. I decided to brave the terrible smell once again and perm my hair. The nervousness however was not there. I knew what I wanted, I brought in pictures, and explained very clearly, (LOOSE CURLS and largest rollers) the one unknown variable a different hairstylist, not brand new, my hairstylist back home in Michigan, perfectly capable of being trusted. So, I am sitting in the chair, anxiously awaiting my loose awesome curls and then she took off the towel and I saw the massacre that was my hair. In the mirror in front of me was a crimped 90s version of a perm. The one that is so tight, it's almost ringlets. My mind began to race, the damage has been done, what am I to do. I went home with my mind racing. What am I going to do? So I did what any normal girl would do when they feel their hair has been ruined by their hairstylist, I cried and cried. Then, I started crying because I was getting this upset about hair, something I have always claimed I don't care that much about, but here I am crying over my 90s crimp, no curl, crimp. I spared you an actual picture, because I am not ready to face anyone yet, but I did supply you with a picture of how I believe the disaster to look. To top it all off, I can not wash or alter my hair for 48 hours and I get to enjoy the horrid, gagging perm smell for the next 48 hours. I know I will survive, but it still hurts. I am hoping to get past my wallowing and accept what has been done.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Decisions, Decisions

My husband and I both share the passion of traveling. We desire to see as much of the world as we can before we die. We feel that God's creation is so amazing, we want to take in every piece of it. Some people spend money on electronics, furniture or the latest and greatest things, we choose to save and go on vacation. For the past two years, we have been saving to take a trip to Europe. We were going to travel to England, France and Italy. However, recently our church had a worldwide celebrations event to showcase the amazing things God is doing around the world and it really tugged at our hearts. There are several short term missions trips available and we are considering spending our travel money to serve God in Thailand or India and forgo our Europe trip. However, which place to attend is the tricky part. Both amazing countries, both would be building orphanages for children. Thailand is in January and India is in February, I believe. Just recently we choose to sponsor a girl, from the orphanage my sister-in-law helped build, Boolo, is her name and she is 12, so precious. Any thoughts on which country we should go to???

Still in prayer and excited to serve...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Isn't It Ironic??

So I have a large fear of needles. I know this is kind of a problem when it comes to having a baby, trust me I've been dealing with that thought for years. But this always means that I do not under any circumstances give blood or get a flu shot. And as you can imagine as a teacher, I am around children with runny noses, touching, germs everywhere. So, like almost every year I came down with the flu. I do not recall it being this painful. I could not get the correct body temperature to save my life yesterday and today as I got my first day of meds, I got sick off of them. When I called the pharmacy to ask why I just got sick, they told me I was not supposed to take the meds together. Friends quote for a moment " THEY SHOULD PUT THAT ON THE BOX, IN BIG BOLD LETTERS". It doesn't say anywhere. Needless to say that as I am growing up, I am starting to contemplate this whole 2 seconds of pain for the 3 days of bed rest/sick. I said considering, I haven't made up my mind yet as to the large, sharp needle that will pierce my skin. Well, for now I am a helpless creature lying in the basement, because I have been quarantine by my parents, and can not help work on my house.