
This a place where I can express my thoughts, dreams, and random ideas throughout the day.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Decisions, Decisions

My husband and I both share the passion of traveling. We desire to see as much of the world as we can before we die. We feel that God's creation is so amazing, we want to take in every piece of it. Some people spend money on electronics, furniture or the latest and greatest things, we choose to save and go on vacation. For the past two years, we have been saving to take a trip to Europe. We were going to travel to England, France and Italy. However, recently our church had a worldwide celebrations event to showcase the amazing things God is doing around the world and it really tugged at our hearts. There are several short term missions trips available and we are considering spending our travel money to serve God in Thailand or India and forgo our Europe trip. However, which place to attend is the tricky part. Both amazing countries, both would be building orphanages for children. Thailand is in January and India is in February, I believe. Just recently we choose to sponsor a girl, from the orphanage my sister-in-law helped build, Boolo, is her name and she is 12, so precious. Any thoughts on which country we should go to???

Still in prayer and excited to serve...

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