
This a place where I can express my thoughts, dreams, and random ideas throughout the day.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Burned Out!

I've always heard the saying that most teachers quit within the first five years of teaching. I'm beginning to understand why. I always hear that the first year of teaching is the hardest and if I get through that, then I would be fine. However, I feel that the second year is even harder. I'm always getting frusterated with parents calling and complaining, not to mention 38 students to work with. Everyday I come home exhausted and tired, but I am too stressed out to actually sleep. Instead I stay up working until bed time leaving very little down time. I'm beginning to wornder if I made the right decision in choosing a career that would drain so much of me. I feel that I have very little to give when I get home and that makes me sad for the home I need to take care of, the husband I am called to care for, and the simple joys that make me smile. But something that I learned this week at Sunday school is that deremination is a virtue and I am strong enough to finish the race. Paul did not give up when it got hard, so I will not either. I am going to keep my eyes on the prize and finish strong.

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