
This a place where I can express my thoughts, dreams, and random ideas throughout the day.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Life Lessons in Kindergarten

I have spent the week subbing in Kindergarten and while I have almost lost my sanity and mind I have learned many life lessons.

#1 Peeing in your pants is socially acceptable in Kindergarten, even when you don't tell the teacher you have to g0

#2 Boogers hanging out of your nose, just leave them there

#3 Tapping on someone's leg gets you immediate attention

#4 When someone asks if there is questions, always raise your hand and tell them a story

#5 Kids are unable to sit in a seat for longer than 5 minutes.

This experience has taught me patience, understanding and the worry that my children may turn out like some of these students one day.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Walking with Blinders On

So, have you ever been so busy living your life that you don't process what is all happening? For the past couple months, my life has been in a state of chaos and instability. Now, as it is all coming to an end I am starting to realize what actually took place. I'm starting to get mad, sad and happy all at the same time. I begin to cry when so much as a wrong look is given to me. No I'm not pregnant and I'm not on my period. I think my emotions are just starting to catch up with my life and I'm starting to process what has taken place. Soon enough, I will get to rejoin my husband and live together, free of parents. Soon enough, we will have fellowship and accountability. Soon enough, I will be back in the classroom, inspiring students to be life long learners. However, until this happens I will trust God with my desires and fulfill personal goals. As soon as we get our house, (on Friday) My first goal is to start cooking meals for my family and LIKE IT :) and the second is to start cleaning my house again and LIKE IT :). My third goal is to create a pleasant living environment that is warm and inviting. Wish me luck as I try to accomplish these goals.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


How is it that the thing you are most anxious about and that causes you the most amount of stress and anxiety is the one thing you can't seem to jump right in and do???

I have wanted to start planning for my lesson observation for 4 days now and every time I think about sitting down to write it I can't seem to do it. I have spent countless hours thinking about which book I am going to use and what standard I am going to cover but it took me forever to get started.

I'm not quite sure why I am so anxious about it. If nothing else, I feel the most comfortable teaching literacy and being able to teach 3rd grade. So what exactly is making me on edge? Is it the worry of what happens if I get the job? Or what happens if I don't get the job? Maybe my body is sick of always being on edge with these countless job interviews. Don't get me wrong, I am so eternally grateful for every opportunity God has provided for me. I just feel that my body is on constant standby. I have no permanent residence, no permanent job and it has been like this for 3 months. My body wants to let out that breath its been holding for 90 days.

Hopefully by November, I will feel the sigh of relief, until then..I am working hard and keeping straight on the path towards following hard after God, to him be the glory.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


My official last day of freedom was yesterday. I start working at Wixom as a building sub on Monday and my first task is to help prepare for the MEAP. I also found out that I made it to round 2 with my other interview. I have to preform a lesson and hold a second interview on Tuesday. I wonder how many rounds there are???

So excited for today, Julie came home to see my house and have sister time. I'm glad that I live close enough now to see her often. Larry is golfing with dad. Life is good. My little interior designer is here to decorate/design for my new house.

Enjoy the sun today Michiganders!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I have officially accepted a permanent building sub position at Wixom Elementary School in Walled Lake. This means that I will report everyday to Wixom Elementary to fill in for a teacher or help assist teachers around the building. I hope to be reporting soon. Awaiting paperwork.

In other Good News, we are closing October 30th on our house, just in time to pass out candy to the kiddies and meet new neighbors.


"I will exalt you, O Lord, for you lifted me out of the depths" Psalm 31:1

Monday, October 5, 2009


In the past 24 hours, I got a job interview, went on a job interview and got a job offer....anxious would be my emotion for the moment. I was offered a permanent building sub position in Walled Lake. I was praising my God for providing opportunities after my resignation. I was praising him for opportunities that allow me to be a part of a school community. But I am anxious......Anxious about the job, about the orientation I have to attend tomorrow, about forwarding my fingerprints from my old employer, but also about the future...I feel as though there is more...what can this be???

I am anxious about our house. I have become Ms. Interior Design decorator. I'm dreaming up curtain idea, color palettes, and reinventing my neutral color house. I can't wait.

I will choose to be calm and trust....

Friday, October 2, 2009

Answered Prayer

The past couple days I have had very specific prayers. The first was for my 2 interviews I had on Wednesday. I was praying for open doors and for God to show me my purpose and his next placement to serve. The first interview I had was to substitute teach in Troy. Since I had been a classroom teacher for two years, they saw favor in me and started my paperwork to sub. The second interview was for a part time Math intervention teacher in Novi. This would have been a great job for me in 5 years, however, only being able to work part time and driving an hour there and back everyday would have been very difficult for me to do, but given an opportunity very hard to turn down. I left super excited and super torn. I told God that if he wanted me to have this job to push me through to the second round, but if this isn't my right placement, close the door now and he answered within hours. God has more in store for me than a part-time, YEAH :).

Yesterday, we had our house inspection. I didn't really know how to feel going into the inspection. I was excited to see our house, since I was forgetting the intricate details of the inside. But, I was also nervous as to what the inspector might find. Larry and I were praying for the inspection to go smoothly and I was praying that we would not find damage over 10,000 that we would have to do right away. Our inspector was the sweetest man ever and kept using the phrase "Bless your heart" which I enjoyed thoroughly from my southern past. He walked around and examined every nook and cranny. Yes we did find little things wrong with the house but no life threatening cases. I felt a wave of emotion as this man is telling me this house which I have grown to love so dearly, has little minor problems such as little cracks and drips. I felt for the first time what a true homeowner must feel. Yes, I have owned a home before, but I felt that I was able to live truly as a guest. A true homeowner wants to care, treat, maintain and grow in the home they choose. That is what I want with this house. Our criteria for houses this time around was very different than our first house and while that scares me that I may regret not having certain upgrades or decorative unique traits, I'm excited to transform this house into a home for a long time with lots of room to grow ;)

Praise God for answered prayers!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7).