
This a place where I can express my thoughts, dreams, and random ideas throughout the day.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Life Lessons in Kindergarten

I have spent the week subbing in Kindergarten and while I have almost lost my sanity and mind I have learned many life lessons.

#1 Peeing in your pants is socially acceptable in Kindergarten, even when you don't tell the teacher you have to g0

#2 Boogers hanging out of your nose, just leave them there

#3 Tapping on someone's leg gets you immediate attention

#4 When someone asks if there is questions, always raise your hand and tell them a story

#5 Kids are unable to sit in a seat for longer than 5 minutes.

This experience has taught me patience, understanding and the worry that my children may turn out like some of these students one day.

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